EVANYROUSE focuses on its customers and their rights. This Privacy Policy describes for what purposes we can use your data, how we treat it, with whom we share it, how long we keep it, as well as how to contact us and exercise your rights.





The data collected is intended only for the specific purposes for which the collection was made. However, when registering on our website and / or providing us with your data, EVANYROUSE starts to treat them for sending relevant information, providing technical assistance, preventing and detecting fraud, ensuring network security and information, and provision of services or information, in accordance with the applicable legislation and the rights of the data subject.
In addition, when it is necessary to comply with legal obligations that apply to it, EVANYROUSE may communicate your personal data, for the purpose of complying with legal obligations, namely to police, judicial, tax, and regulatory entities.





When you fill in the forms provided on our website or provide us with your contacts in another way, your personal data (such as name, email, phone number, or address) are collected and processed in order to answer your questions, requests or providing you with information. In this way, the personal data you provide to us will be processed for the purposes indicated at the time of collection.
By making your contact details available to us, EVANYROUSE may contact you for marketing purposes related to its services via email. You may at any time oppose this data processing.





The period of time during which personal data is stored and preserved varies according to the purpose for which the information is processed.
Effectively, there are legal requirements that require data to be kept for a minimum period of time. Thus, and whenever there is no specific legal requirement, the data will be stored and preserved only for the minimum period necessary for the pursuit of the purposes that motivated its collection or its further treatment, under the terms defined by law.
For Marketing communications, your data will be kept for an indefinite period until expressly opposed.





At any time, the holder of personal data may:
– Request access to the information we hold about you.
– Request rectification of information if it is inaccurate or incomplete.
– Request the deletion of your personal data.
– Oppose the processing of your personal data: in cases where the data processing is carried out for the purpose of the legitimate interests pursued by EVANYROUSE; or the processing of data is carried out for the purposes of direct marketing, as well as the definition of profiles, you can also, at any time, object to the processing of your personal data.
– If the treatment depends on your consent, you have the right to withdraw it.





If you intend to exercise any of your rights, you must contact us, in writing, via email or by letter, sent to R. do Monte Alto 246, 4585-460 Rebordosa.

Your requests will be treated with special care so that we can ensure the effectiveness of your rights. You may be asked to provide proof of your identity to ensure that personal data is shared only with the holder. You should be aware that in certain cases (for example, due to legal requirements such as the requirement to file documents during a legal period of retention) your request cannot be immediately satisfied.

In any case, you will be informed of the measures taken by EVANYROUSE to process your request, within one month from the moment it is made.





EVANYROUSE strives to keep your data safe and adopts the appropriate security measures to ensure the protection of your personal data and prevent access to unauthorized persons. We subject our security systems and policies to periodic reviews to ensure that the data is safe and protected.

However, the transmission of information over the Internet is not completely secure, and we cannot absolutely guarantee the security of the information transmitted through our website. EVANYROUSE is committed to keeping your information confidential in accordance with this Privacy Policy and applicable legislation.





In order to provide more personalized service and according to the user’s expected preferences, the site uses cookies to collect and store information. A cookie is a small information file that is sent from the website server to the user’s browser and stored on the user’s computer.